ArcaPay UAB Complaints Handling Procedures.

This document was last updated on 25/05/2021.

We aim to treat our customers fairly and want you to be satisfied with the service we provide.

1) Our commitment to you

ArcaPay strives to provide a fast, efficient and friendly service to all our customers. We believe that we are here to provide you with superior service, and we aim to ensure that our customers are completely satisfied with the service they receive at all times.

If at any time we do not measure up to these standards or we have given you cause for dissatisfaction, please tell us about your experience. We can assure you that we will listen sympathetically and do our best to resolve any issue or misunderstanding promptly and in a manner that is both fair and effective.


2) Tell us if you are not happy with our service

The following are ways to tell us that you’re not happy with any aspect of our service:


If possible, immediately raise any issue with a member of our staff. Explain the nature of your problem. They will do their best to help you and will refer your issue to an appropriate person who will attempt to resolve it immediately. If this is not possible, they will document the details of the problem and arrange for you to be contacted by an appropriate Manager.


If it is inappropriate or impractical to raise your problem with a staff member then you may wish to raise a complaint and to contact the Complaints Team direct. Contact may be made by any means you find to be convenient. Please make sure that you provide us the date, name and surname, or entity name, address details and fully explain the nature of your complaint and we will strive to resolve it as soon as possible.


Contact details for the Complaints Team are as follows:

i) Email: [email protected]
ii) Post: Konstitucijos ave. 21B, Vilnius LT-08130, Lithuania


3) How the Complaint Process works

Once you have made a complaint and it’s been received by us, we’ll immediately confirm this by email, and we will start a complaint handling procedure which will take the following course:


Within 3 (“Three”) business days we will contact you by e-mail:

  • Acknowledging your complaint;
  • Confirming that our formal complaints process has been initiated and providing you with a reference number for your complaint;
  • Providing contact details of the person who is handling your complaint;
  • Enclosing a copy of this notice to ensure that you are aware of our complaint process.

If it is possible for us to provide a final response within the initial e-mail then we will do so, if not the email will either:

  • Request that you provide further information regarding your complaint; or
  • Explain the reason for the delay; or
  • Provide an estimate of the time it will take us to reach a final decision.

If we have not given you a final response within 15 (“Fifteen”) business days of receiving your complaint we will contact you by e-mail:

  • Explaining why we are not yet able to resolve the complaint;
  • Indicating when we will make further contact.

If after a period of 35 (“thirty five”) business days) from receipt of your complaint we are still unable to give a final response, we will contact you by e-mail:

  • Explaining why we are still unable to make a final decision and indicating when you can expect us to do so.

In any instance where we have requested additional information or documentation, and this is not returned within one week then the time in excess of one week (five business days) taken for reply will not be included in calculating the timescales referred to above.


Final Response - At whatever stage it is issued our Final Response letter will either:

  • Accept the complaint and if appropriate offer redress, or
  • Offer redress without accepting the complaint, or
  • Reject the complaint and give reasons for doing so.

Additionally the letter will:

  • State that it is our final decision and ask you to reply indicating whether you accept or reject ArcaPay’s decision.


4) Extra-judicial settlement

If you are considered as the consumer in line with the legal acts and if at the conclusion of the ArcaPay Complaints Procedures, or at any time within 1 year of that date, you are unhappy with the outcome and the complains is related to financial services, you can make a complaint directly to the Bank of Lithuania, address: Žalgirio str. 90, LT-09303 Vilnius, website The requirements for the complaint and the submission procedure are stipulated in the Law on the Bank of Lithuania. You can address the complaint, which is not related to financial services, to the State Consumer Rights Protection Authority, address Vilniaus str. 25, LT-01402 Vilnius, website: The requirements for the complaint and the submission procedure are stipulated in the Law on Consumer Right Protection of the Republic of Lithuania.

The entity of extra-judicial settlement of disputes regarding personal data and (or) protection of privacy is the State Data Protection Inspectorate, address L. Sapiegos str. 17, LT-10312 Vilnius, internet website The requirements for the complaint and the submission procedure are stipulated in the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania.

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